This is the continuous integration build, it is not an authorized publication, and may be broken or incomplete at times. Refer to the Directory of published versions for stable versions

The ePrescribing Service Bus API supports both recieving and sending XML and json formatted content, and will exposed to support interconnectivity among the Australian Script Exchanges.

ePrescribing Script Exchange Service Bus Resource Interactions

Resource Type Search Create Read Update Delete Type History Instance History Operations
MedicationRequest n n y y n n n (none)
MedicationDispense n n n y y n n (none)


Whole System Interactions

The ePrescribing Service Bus API will only expose a CapabilityStatement via the metadata endpoint, it will not be providing any other system wide interactions.
i.e. No batch, transaction, system wide history or system wide searching are supported



For details of searching in FHIR, refer to the core specification

The _count search parameter will be supported across all types that support search

Note: All searches (and all other interactions like get too) are subject to the security permissions assocaited with the authenticated user/user type. When a search is performed the system will automatically filter down to only records that the user has access to. e.g. If the user is a patient, then only that patients records will be accessible, even if they do not provide the patient parameter, and providing another patient’s ID will return no results.

For further details on this, refer to the security overview and security guidance pages.

ePrescribing Search Parameters

Resource Type Search Parameters Includes
MedicationRequest _id, patient _include=MedicationRequest.patient
MedicationDispense _id, patient ?

Additional Custom Search parameters

Name Description